
Showing posts from January, 2019

How Blockchain is improving Retail Commerce?

In the era of conscientious customers, people are caring more about the transparency in the processes being followed for each and everything; they enquire about the systems and truly concerned about the quality, safety, ethics, and environmental impact while buying any product, accessing to any service and before making any transaction. The retail industry is always at the forefront reshaped by the latest and emerging technologies to enhance the customer experience. The power of the cloud, artificial intelligence, machine learning, mobility, blockchain, big data, IoT, robotics, and cloud has unveiled many solutions that have great potential to disrupt the supply chain operations in the retail industry. The main areas where Blockchain is benefitting Retail Market: Transparency : The trust of customers is very hard to earn. Nowadays more and more transactions are happening online, and blockchain underlies the transparency, allowing all parties—supplier, manufacturer,

How Visitor Management Kiosk has become Need of the Hour?

Ensuring the safety of employees and its visitors is the responsibility of each and every Corporate Office for which they are widely opting for Visitor Management Kiosk. The advent of breakthrough technology has introduced many new features and facilitated people and organization to opt for the highly advanced Visitor Management Kiosk for ensuring the safety whole organization. Manually entering the data is in practice for long-time but it gives rise to many concerns such as relevance of The information when entered manually misses out many points due to many reasons such as difficulty to read the data due to scribbling, not-so-accurate check-in and check-out timings, incorrect serial numbers and more. This is the old fashioned way of managing visitors that starts with a piece of paper and visitors are required to enter their details, after which they are asked to wait and the concerned person is informed about it. All these processes take time and it equally bothers the person w